
Very Easy Broccoli Pesto Pasta

I know pine nuts is a main ingredient in pesto paste, it give very creamy texture and richness, but I made without pine nuts and it was very delicious and also rich. Let’s go deeper in broccoli pesto pasta. You can add more nuts like groundnuts or cashews to get nice texture and creamy taste.

But in this broccoli pesto pasta I didn’t add any milk cream. I used whole wheat grain pasta. It was not like professional pesto pasta but the way it becomes I love smell and taste. Texture was not too much creamy, it becomes lighter broccoli pesto. To cook this recipe you don’t need so much time. It was very fast just boil & grind. When you don’t know or don’t have time then you can always make this pasta also makes you feel that you ate something tasty.

Broccoli Pesto Pasta Ingredients

Here is list that you need to make :

Broccoli we will use some florets to grind and topping.

Fresh Herbs some leafs of basil, parsley for topping, spring onions, and corridor.

Lemon add one teaspoon juice while grinding it will give.

Garlic add to get deeper smell it is necessary.

Balck papper & salt add as much you want.

Olive oil add some oil before topping.

Pasta I used whole grain wheat pasta.

Optional red chilli powder and green chilli

How To Make Broccoli Pesto Pasta

In this recipe we are going to make some easy steps. To make a green paste just add salt in water as much you want I will suggest you put little bit less then boil water. We have to cut broccoli florets then put all in hot water and cook for 10 minutes. After put broccoli florets into cold water and some florets keeps for topping. Then drain a water from broccoli.

Let’s Make Broccoli Pesto

So now we have grind with all ingredients, we have to make not too much creamy green sauce or you can grind as much you want. Put broccoli mixture pot, garlic, olive oil, little bit parsley, liiiiittle bit coriander, black paper, half green chilli and one teaspoon lemon juice. Now you have green sauce huiiii.

Now let’s prepare broccoli pesto pasta

If you want tossed in a pan you can but I did different I put on top of pasta. So put pasta in a bowl. Then pour a nice broccoli pesto sauce, then put broccoli florets, then on top put some fine chopped parsley, coriander, spring onions, black pepper, sesame seeds and chilli powder optional. To garnish you can add parmesan cheese. I didn’t use. This is our Brocolli Pesto Pasta and get ready for another experiment or recipe.


Picture of Kushal Sharma

Kushal Sharma

My love for yoga goes beyond just the physical aspect. It has become a gateway to discovering fascinating things about myself and the world around me. Through yoga, I have learned to embrace mindfulness and be fully present in the moment. It has taught me to appreciate the beauty of simplicity and find joy in the little things.

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